Algolia and Undefined index: store_id

Today I have setup the Algolia Queue Runner ( algolia_queue_runner ) which was working fine for all projects I have worked with before. However, today it was different. The Algolia Queue Runner didn’t work at all. Here is what happened every time when the cronjob was running.

The problem was, one of the store views in Stores > Settings > All Stores was disabled for some reason. After enabling the store view, the problem was fixed.

AWS RDS – You Need (at least one of) The SUPER Privilege(s)

Today I had the opportunity to move a local Magento database to an Amazon RDS. Based on the well-documented article Creating a DB Instance Running the MySQL Database Engine I was optimistic to finish the migration pretty soon. But as you know, there is always something that goes wrong.

After creating the database instance class ( db.m3.large ) I have decided to proceed with some test imports before I change any database credentials in Magento.

Good decision because the first import didn’t run through.

I was able to fix the problem by adding the missing parameter log_bin_trust_function_creators as explained here. Before the next import I had to delete the database and create a new one.

Unfortunately there was another problem with a DEFINER which tried to create a trigger as a different user. On Amazon RDS only a user with SUPER privileges can do that. Therefore, I had to remove the DEFINER from the MySQL schema you see below.

That’s it. Now I was able to import my DB on Amazon RDS without errors.


Template “layouts/.html.twig” is not defined in “default.html.twig” at line 12.

I am using the statement include for dynamic sections in MODx.

It was working fine so far, but today I received the following exception that basically means, my snippet tried to include a file that doesn’t exist. The variable classes was empty that causes a broken website.

In my case I improved my snippet with an if condition.