Algolia and Undefined index: store_id

Today I have setup the Algolia Queue Runner ( algolia_queue_runner ) which was working fine for all projects I have worked with before. However, today it was different. The Algolia Queue Runner didn’t work at all. Here is what happened every time when the cronjob was running.

The problem was, one of the store views in Stores > Settings > All Stores was disabled for some reason. After enabling the store view, the problem was fixed.

Algolia 1.6.1 or higher automatically update the product index

Algolia Indexing Operation

Algolia 1.6.1 or higher comes with a new feature that automatically updates your product index, every time you save a category. The disadvantage is that it will also update the product index, even if you just change an attribute which has nothing to do with URL rewrites or something else that can break search results. This can increase your indexing operations rapidly, therefore your monthly bills from Algolia as well.

Algolia System Configuration

To prevent unnecessary indexing, you should disable the new feature in System > Configuration > Algolia Search 1.x > Advanced > Update product on category products update and manage indexing manually with System > Index Management or simply with cron jobs.