AWS RDS – You Need (at least one of) The SUPER Privilege(s)

Today I had the opportunity to move a local Magento database to an Amazon RDS. Based on the well-documented article Creating a DB Instance Running the MySQL Database Engine I was optimistic to finish the migration pretty soon. But as you know, there is always something that goes wrong.

After creating the database instance class ( db.m3.large ) I have decided to proceed with some test imports before I change any database credentials in Magento.

Good decision because the first import didn’t run through.

I was able to fix the problem by adding the missing parameter log_bin_trust_function_creators as explained here. Before the next import I had to delete the database and create a new one.

Unfortunately there was another problem with a DEFINER which tried to create a trigger as a different user. On Amazon RDS only a user with SUPER privileges can do that. Therefore, I had to remove the DEFINER from the MySQL schema you see below.

That’s it. Now I was able to import my DB on Amazon RDS without errors.


Reset Administrator User Password in Magento 2

Magento 2 comes with a CLI that allows you to create a new temporary administrator user within few seconds. Change to the directory where your Magento installation ( such as app or bin folder ) is located and run the following command to create a user support with password 8cd98f00b20.


Now you can go to System > Permissions > All Users and update other users credentials.