Missing required argument $name of Xtento\ProductExport\Logger\Logger.

If you are using Xtento in combination with an automated product importer, you may have seen the following error before.

The error message appears right after saving a product. The reason is that, at least one of your products in Products > Catalog has no Name. To fix this, you can update the name manually via MySQL queries or simply delete the products and import again correctly.

Bulk Update Customizable Product Options in Magento2

Today I had to bulk-update the Price and Max Characters in the tab Customizable Options for hundreds of simple products based on the title.

Magento2 Customizable Product Option

I knew that it could be done programmatically but I figured out that it can be done just by updating the table catalog_product_option and catalog_product_option_price. First I got a comma separated list of option_id’s based on a specific title.

With the comma separated list I was able to update the value of the Price and Max Characters as follows.

1. Price

2. Max Characters

Possible that you have to flush the cache ( php/magento cache:flush ) and re-index everything ( php/magento indexer:reindex ) to see the results.

Change Order, Invoice, Credit Memo or Shipment Number Prefix or Suffix in Magento2

In some cases shop owners have to change their default order number with a custom prefix or suffix. Customising order numbers sounds complicated, but it can be done with only few MySQL queries.

First, backup your database. After that, get a list of meta_id’s and store_id’s with the following query for order numbers only.

The meta_id is pretty much the identifier you need for the next UPDATE query which will add the letter A as a prefix. For example: A100000001

The same query can be used to change the suffix. Also, you can change the prefix or suffix for any entity_type such as invoice, creditmemo or shipment.

That’s it. Create a new order to see the results.

Algolia and Undefined index: store_id

Today I have setup the Algolia Queue Runner ( algolia_queue_runner ) which was working fine for all projects I have worked with before. However, today it was different. The Algolia Queue Runner didn’t work at all. Here is what happened every time when the cronjob was running.

The problem was, one of the store views in Stores > Settings > All Stores was disabled for some reason. After enabling the store view, the problem was fixed.

Captcha Test For Your Contact Form

The following PHP script allows you to test your contact form captcha integration in Magento. If you receive any email after executing this script, you have to review your captcha integration.

You may need to add, remove or rename fields in the $field array. Don’t forget to replace {base_url} with your actual URL.

Automatically Update The Year In The Footer

Magento Footer Copyright

In most of the projects that I am working on, it is still common practice to have the current year of the copyright text stored in System > Configuration > General > Design > Footer.

That means, every year somebody has to change the year manually. This is very time consuming, especially if you have to manage ten, twenty or more clients. Here is a quick example of how you can make it dynamic.

1. Set a custom string such as {YEAR}

Edit your footer in System > Configuration > General > Design > Footer and place the {YEAR} somewhere.

2. Replace the {YEAR}

Edit your footer.phtml in your package and replace getCopyright as shown below. For the year I am using Mage::getModel(‘core/date’) to have the correct timezone included.

File: ./app/design/frontend/{package}/default/template/page/html/footer.phtml


We’re sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email

Today, I was dealing with the following error message on one of our Magento2 production environment.

After spending 2 hours trying to find the source of the problem in our custom modules, I was able to fix the issue by disabling the core module Magento_SampleData.

What is this module for? This module gives you different sample data ( CMS, Catalog, Customers ) which is useful during development and testing phase. For your production environment it is not necessary and also not recommended to have it installed, as you can read here.

Algolia 1.6.1 or higher automatically update the product index

Algolia Indexing Operation

Algolia 1.6.1 or higher comes with a new feature that automatically updates your product index, every time you save a category. The disadvantage is that it will also update the product index, even if you just change an attribute which has nothing to do with URL rewrites or something else that can break search results. This can increase your indexing operations rapidly, therefore your monthly bills from Algolia as well.

Algolia System Configuration

To prevent unnecessary indexing, you should disable the new feature in System > Configuration > Algolia Search 1.x > Advanced > Update product on category products update and manage indexing manually with System > Index Management or simply with cron jobs.

Nginx Docker Container and getpwnam(“www-data”) problem

I am using nginx:1.10.1-alpine to run Nginx as a docker container. Today I have replaced the Nginx container and always got the status Restarting (1) Less than a second ago after starting the container.

With the command docker logs nginx I got the following error logs.

The error message basically means that the user www-data which I have defined in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf doesn’t exists in /etc/passwd. That makes sense, because nginx:1.10.1-alpine comes with a minimal setup. I my case I need the user www-data for other linked php-fpm containers. To fix the problem I just added the missing user during the container build.
