Missing required argument $name of Xtento\ProductExport\Logger\Logger.

If you are using Xtento in combination with an automated product importer, you may have seen the following error before.

The error message appears right after saving a product. The reason is that, at least one of your products in Products > Catalog has no Name. To fix this, you can update the name manually via MySQL queries or simply delete the products and import again correctly.

Category “Default Category/abc/def/” has not been created. URL key for specified store already exists in Magento2

A new day, a new problem. While importing new products in Magento 2.1.2 via System > Data Transfer > Import something was causing the following error message.

The CSV file was 100% correct, which was making it difficult to figure out why it is causing the error. I ran few more test imports and noticed that the main category actually had an empty space at the end, which I believe was causing the whole problem.

Magento2 Category Name Empty Space

The import ran through without any errors after removing the empty space. However, before I also removed all related URL rewrites as follows. Not sure if this was actually necessary.

After that I rebuilt the re-write table with https://github.com/olegkoval/magento2-regenerate_url_rewrites because for some reason the importer didn’t create the rewrite URLs.

After that everything was working as expected.

Class not found in AbstractFactory

Today I had some trouble with removing a module on Magento2 and its custom product attributes. After removing the code of Mageplaza_Seo I was not able to edit products, categories or even checkout anymore.

The reason was an attribute called mp_meta_robots which was still pointing to the class \Mageplaza\Seo\Model\Source\Robots. I found the attribute by checking the table eav_attribute as follows.

Removing this via backend or MySQL has fixed the problem.

Update Order Status With SQL Queries in Magento2

Today I had to update order numbers which were processed already, but not updated in Magento. Here is how I changed the order status directly in the database based on the increment_id.

The first query will update the state and status on the table sales_order.

The second one will update the status in the grid view in Sales > Orders.

Cannot gather stats! Warning!stat(): stat failed

Today I imported a couple of new products with uRapidFlow in Magento 2.1.2. I ran the import with the option Action on missing image file which was set to WARNING and update image field. It worked fine, but I accidentally forgot to upload the product images.

So basically uRapidFlow added non-existing product images to the database which broke the product edit form in the admin panel.

The temporarily solution was to manipulate ./vendor/magento/module-catalog/Block/Adminhtml/Product/Helper/Form/Gallery/Content.php in vendor around line 142,143.

I basically added is_readable to check if the file exists. Not great, but at least I was able to edit products again and proceed with a permanent fix.

Related issues:

Algolia and Undefined index: store_id

Today I have setup the Algolia Queue Runner ( algolia_queue_runner ) which was working fine for all projects I have worked with before. However, today it was different. The Algolia Queue Runner didn’t work at all. Here is what happened every time when the cronjob was running.

The problem was, one of the store views in Stores > Settings > All Stores was disabled for some reason. After enabling the store view, the problem was fixed.

Captcha Test For Your Contact Form

The following PHP script allows you to test your contact form captcha integration in Magento. If you receive any email after executing this script, you have to review your captcha integration.

You may need to add, remove or rename fields in the $field array. Don’t forget to replace {base_url} with your actual URL.

Broken Admin Panel after SUPEE-8788

After the installation of patch SUPEE-8788 in Magento I have experienced a broken product edit form in Catalog > Manage Products > { select any product } > Edit Product. Every time when I tried to edit a product it was logging the following error message.

I have found a community extension in my project which was causing the problem by rewriting the complete class Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image. With diff I was able to identify all changes which I needed to copy from core to the community extension.

I just added the missing constant

and updated the method validateUploadFile().

Delete Quote For Specific Customer In Magento2

Sometimes a quote can be linked with product id’s which doesn’t exists anymore. In some cases it can cause broken MySQL joins. Here is how you can flush the quote for a specific customer in Magento2.

Remove the WHERE clause to flush the quote for all customers.

Find Missing Or Not Readable Product Image Files

With the following script you can detect missing or not readable image files, based on your product collection. Good before project launch or after product imports.

Find the Gist here.