Magento 2.4.x, Elastic Search 7.9.1 on Alpine Linux 3.12, jdk/bin/java: No such file or directory

Magento2 Teaser

While setting up a new local test environment specifically for Magento 2.4.x with Elastic Search on Alpine Linux ( Docker ) I had some problems with getting elastic search up and running.

The first issue I had was related to a missing home path of JAVA. Because of that, I wasn’t able to start Elastic Search at all.

I’ve fixed it by setting the missing path for JAVA_HOME which I have added later to my profile settings.

The second issue was related to the JAVA version inside the docker container.

Alpine Linux has the required version in the repository, which made it easy to install the missing package with apk.

Notice: Use of undefined constant T_CURLY_OPEN – assumed ‘T_CURLY_OPEN’ in /var/www/src/setup/src/ Magento/Setup/Module/ Di/Code/Reader/FileClassScanner.php on line 72

Today I finally had some time to cleaned up my Dockerfile for Magento 2. I am using Alpine Linux for most of my Magento 2 projects which usually includes NGINX, PHP-FPM and MariaDB.

While testing my updated Dockerfile I came across the following PHP notice which prevented the deployment scripts from finishing the Magento 2 setup.

The problem was simply a missing PHP extension php7.1-tokenizer which has resolved the issue after re-creating the container with –build.


Change Order, Invoice, Credit Memo or Shipment Number Prefix or Suffix in Magento2

In some cases shop owners have to change their default order number with a custom prefix or suffix. Customising order numbers sounds complicated, but it can be done with only few MySQL queries.

First, backup your database. After that, get a list of meta_id’s and store_id’s with the following query for order numbers only.

The meta_id is pretty much the identifier you need for the next UPDATE query which will add the letter A as a prefix. For example: A100000001

The same query can be used to change the suffix. Also, you can change the prefix or suffix for any entity_type such as invoice, creditmemo or shipment.

That’s it. Create a new order to see the results.

Reset Administrator User Password in Magento 2

Magento 2 comes with a CLI that allows you to create a new temporary administrator user within few seconds. Change to the directory where your Magento installation ( such as app or bin folder ) is located and run the following command to create a user support with password 8cd98f00b20.


Now you can go to System > Permissions > All Users and update other users credentials.