Magento Cloud – sendmail: /etc/msmtprc: line 6: command host needs an argument

Magento2 Teaser

This morning I ran a deployment on a fresh Magento Cloud environment and suddenly got the below SMTP error right after setup:upgrade, which was very unusual.

I had a look at the recent changes and found a mail() function in the modules InstallSchema.php script.

In this particular case, a 3rd party module developer has implemented a tracking system to notify his agency about new module installations. It may work on some hosting platforms, but obviously not on Magento Cloud during the build process.

Invalid value for field resource.machineType in Google Compute Engine

Currently I am working on a light-weight PHP class which should help me to create, list and delete VM instances on Googles Compute Engine. While writing the class, I came across few issue I would like to share with you. In the following example I tried to create a micro instance, because didn’t need much computing power. As you probably know, here is how you can select the machine type via dashboard.


When I tried to create a micro instance via PHP API with the correct Machine Type I received the following error message.

Here is a part of a PHP file I am using for API connection tests.

As you can see, I set a string f1-micro which is obviously not valid. I double-checked the API guides and found this URL.

So I defined the value for the machine type as follows which has fixed the invalid value for field resource.machineType.