Apply patches with composers post-install-cmd


I just want to introduce another approach that will apply Magento patches, in case your Magento instance isn’t hosted on Adobe’s Cloud infrastructure or can’t be applied as explained in How to apply a composer patch provided by Adobe for some reason.

1. Update your composer.json file

Add a new section scripts” at the end of your composer.json file and validate your file with composer validate.

If you see ./composer.json is valid you are good to move on. Btw. your composer.lock file doesn’t need to be updated.

2. Create a folder ./patches/

Create a folder ./patches/ or something similar and copy your *.patch file in there.

3. Test it

Run composer install and wait. Your script and patch should be executed after Generating autoload files just like in the below output.

4. Deploy it

Commit your changes ( composer.json and ./patches/ ) folder and run your deployment procedure.

That’s it!

Notice: Use of undefined constant T_CURLY_OPEN – assumed ‘T_CURLY_OPEN’ in /var/www/src/setup/src/ Magento/Setup/Module/ Di/Code/Reader/FileClassScanner.php on line 72

Today I finally had some time to cleaned up my Dockerfile for Magento 2. I am using Alpine Linux for most of my Magento 2 projects which usually includes NGINX, PHP-FPM and MariaDB.

While testing my updated Dockerfile I came across the following PHP notice which prevented the deployment scripts from finishing the Magento 2 setup.

The problem was simply a missing PHP extension php7.1-tokenizer which has resolved the issue after re-creating the container with –build.


Update composer.lock without updating code

Recently I had to fix a broken composer.lock but without actually updating code. I have found the composer option ” nothing ” which updates the composer.lock file only.

Once the command ran successfully, you should see a line ” Writing lock file ” in the output.

If you have issues with dependencies you can update the composer.lock file with –ignore-platform-reqs.