Protect your AJAX controller action from malicious calls

If you are working with AJAX calls, you should at least verify where the calls are coming from.

Please find the complete code on Gist.

Notice: Array to string conversion in grid.phtml on line 161

I am working on a new module and just received the following notice message when I was trying to open the admin html grid.

The reason of this message is that I just copied the Grid.php from another entity that contains different database columns. So I just removed columns which are not defined in install-0.0.1.php ( especially columns with a custom renderer ) to fix the problem.

Cannot create table column without comments

Today I forgot to set a comment for my new column which broke the complete module setup procedure. Here is one example how you can add a new column to the sales flat table ” sales_flat_order_item “.

Check Multiple Magento Instances with checkr

This is a quick example how you can check the visibility of specific paths of multiple Magento instances with a shell script called checkr. For example:

  • /var/log/system.log
  • /var/log/exception.log
  • /downloader/
  • /var/
  • /backup/

For security reasons, those folders or files should never visible or accessible from outside.

1. URLs

Create a simple list with your clients’ names and its URLs. Save this file as clients.list.

2. Shell Script

3. Run

Run this script with a custom parameter.

4. Results

Find Malware in Image Files


It’s a nightmare. Your production environment was compromised and you actually don’t know how and how much data was stolen. For sure there are different ways to be compromised. In this post I just want to explain, how hackers can get full access to your production environment by using image files.

As explained on Snapfast and Sucuri it is pretty easy to store any kind of PHP code in EXIF headers. Often times it only needs a simple script to create an administrator account. If you are using third-party extensions with an image upload function or if you are late with the last security update, there is a high risk to be compromised.

You can use commands like svn status or git status to find changes, but this is no guarantee to find malicious code, because oftentimes your /media/ or similar folders are not version controlled.

Here is one simple command how you can find infected image files.

In case if any file is infected, you will see the following search result.

5 useful commands for your daily work with Magento

Daily Work

1. Backup your media/catalog

Create a manually backup of media/catalog without /cache/ folder

The same with the current date in the filename.

2. Files not owned by apache

Find files which are not owned by apache group or user. This is useful if you want detect possible permission issues.

3. SQL / CSV files in your document root

You should never left database dump or other export files with sensible information in your document root, because there is a potential risk that those files can be downloaded from outside, depending on your security settings. To make sure your production environment is save, just run a simple ” find ” with the option ” iregex “.

4. List report files created in the last 24 hours

Here are some more options you can use for ” -ctime “.

5. Truncate log files

A fast growing system.log or exception.log can be the cause of a server outage. If you want empty log files on a production environment, the command ” truncate ” will help you.

For further debugging you can keep log data by specifying the size.

Practical grep command examples for your Magento log file audit

Improve your bug fixing routine with some simple grep commands. Run these commands before any production deployment just to make sure your new code is working properly. To reduce the output on your terminal, extend my examples as you can see below.

Count the results with ” wc -l ” at the end.

Display the 1000 rows with ” tail -n 1000 ” at the beginning.

1. System.log

1.1 Access to an array by a key that doesn’t exist

1.2 Use a variable that wasn’t previously defined

1.3 Debug output generated by Mage::log()

1.4 Any kind of permission issues

1.5 Missing Magento template files

1.6 Access to a non-object

1.7 Missing argument in a function call

1.8 Invalid argument supplied to a loop

Find all:

2. Exception.log

2.1 Any kind if XML issues

2.2 Specific gateway issues

2.3 Specific PayPal gateway issues

2.4 Find general curl issues

Find all:

3. Reports

Find the last 10 error report files and grep for any kind of error message.
3.1 MySQL connection issues

3.2 Invalid config field

3.3 Unable to read response

3.4 External urls redirect

Find all:

4. Apache error logs

4.1 Find missing files caused by any reason

Setup cron job for apache user


As long as you don’t need root permissions in your PHP application / script, it is recommended to set up cron jobs with a web server specific user.

1. Find the apache user

Get the current apache user from the process status.

2. Edit the tab

Edit the crontab with the option -u and the specific apache user. This command will create a user-specific cron file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/.

Set up your crontab and save the changes with CTRL-O.

3. Check the syslog file

After that, check the syslog file to make sure that the cronjob is running correctly.

Query to get size of database tables in MB


If your hosting environment has no database monitoring, you should be able to monitor it manually once in a while or with your own shell script to prevent rapidly growing MySQL tables, because the result of large MySQL tables ( I am talking about 2 – 10 GB with millions of rows ) are often random performance issues, especially if you are using community modules with not well written MySQL queries.

This is the output of the query.

Table is marked as crashed and should be repaired

Don’t freak out if your Magento is not working and because of the following error message.

The reason of a crashed MySQL table is mostly related to a server issue. For example:

  • Any kind of hard-disk failure
  • Sudden server reboot (power outage in hosting)
  • Hard server reboot (ACPI shutdown)

In most cases you can repair the affected table with a simple repair command, which comes with MySQL.

This command looks pretty easy and safe, but keep in mind that you should always create a backup before you change anything in your database, because probably more MySQL tables are affected.