How to Install and Setup Beeketing in Magento2

Beeketing is a marketing automation platform that helps to increase conversion rate and boost revenue in Magento automatically. Beeketing offers a bunch of apps which you can easily enabled via Magento backend. Here is how you can get started with Beeketing.

Go to your Magento2 document root and install Beeketing without updating other packages.

Wait until the packages beeketing/magento-common and beeketing/magento-beeketing and are installed.

After that re-compile your code and clear all caches. Here is how I usually do it.

Once the module is installed and enabled, you will see a new menu item BEEKETING in the Magento admin panel sidebar. On this page you have to connect Beeketing with your Magento store. Click on LET’S CONNECT and follow the instructions.

Beeketing Setup

In the next step you have to Sign Up or Login with your existing Beeketing account. Once you are connected, you should see a list of Free and Premium apps, which you can enable via Install app.

Beeketing Setup

As soon as a app is enabled, you should see the changes in the front-end right away.

Beeketing Setup

Settings and statistics for each app can be found in the Beeketing dashboard.

Beeketing Setup

From here I recommend you to checkout and read how to configure these apps.

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